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   Adventures With Sharks

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Adventures With Sharks

Este livro é um trabalho de Jonathan Bird, que mergulhou tirando fotos de tubarões, um trabalho maravilhoso. Em seu original foi editado na língua inglesa.

Written by an admitted “shark junkie” Jonathan Bird is also a professional underwater photographer who just happens to be fascinated by sharks. In this exciting photographic journey, the author shares his adventures and discoveries photographing sharks around the world. He details the thrills, dangers and disappointments of working with wild sharks in the open ocean and beyond.
Accompanied by more than one hundred vivid color photographs, "Adventures With Sharks" is an uncommonly fun-to-read mixture of science, adventure and stunning photographs. Reading this book is better than a Discovery Channel documentary! It is a technically accurate yet light-hearted portrayal of these sinister marine creatures. In the details of his adventures the author states, “These experiences have never diminished my passion for sharks, but remind me that sharks are predators, and yes, they can eat you!